Home / School News / Habit 2 Leaders Chosen


Meadowbrook student leaders who have exhibited the behaviors of Habit 2, Begin with the End in Mind, were chosen last week. They were given a blue t-shirt and will have their photos featured near the entrance of the school. K-2 leaders attended a Boberry breakfast and 3-5 students attended a leadership lunch with a leader in our Canton community, Coach Chappell from PHS. Student leaders asked Coach Chappell many questions and learned a lot about his job; now we know he does a lot of laundry! Begin with the End in Mind is about setting goals and striving to achieve those goals. Our staff leader for Habit 2 is our wonderful PE teacher, Mrs. Beth Swanger and our community leader is Kim Riddle, a parent of one of our Kindergartners. Some students were chosen because they reached reading goals and others because they were able to be more independent at school. We are very proud of our Habit 2 Leaders!

For more information on Habit 2, click here: Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind

K-2 student leaders pose with staff leader Mrs. Swanger after their Boberry Breakfast.

K-2 student leaders pose with staff leader Mrs. Swanger after their Boberry Breakfast.

photo 3

K-2 Student leaders enjoy their Boberry Biscuits.

K-2 Student leaders enjoy their Boberry Biscuits.

photo 4

3-5 Student Leaders enjoy their Leadership Lunch with Coach Chappell.

3-5 Student Leaders enjoy their Leadership Lunch with Coach Chappell.


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  • Meadowbrook Elementary
  • Stephanie Mancini, Principal
  • 85 Morningstar Road Canton, NC 28716
  • 828.646.3445
  • 828.648.8506