(These routes are based on morning route information. Actual stops may vary.)
Bus 43- Travis Varner
Bus 44 – Patty McNeal
1. Be on time.
2. Stand on the side of the highway and in no way interfere with traffic, wait to cross the road until the bus has arrived and stopped and the stop-arm is out and the door of the bus is open.
3. Wait your turn while getting on the bus.
4. Take assigned seat quickly.
5. Do not talk to or otherwise disturb the driver, no loud noises.
6. Do not extend hands or arms out of the window.
7. Remain seated while the bus is moving.
8. Keep the bus clean and sanitary.
9. Do not use profane or indecent language
10. Never damage or deface the bus.
11. No eating on the bus.
- Keep legs inside seat area and out of aisles.
- No electronics on the bus.
1st incident – warning
2nd incident – 1 day suspension
3rd incident – 2 day suspension
4th incident – 1 week suspension
5th incident – 2 week suspension
6th incident – off bus for rest of year
Please stress to your child the importance of good behavior and to follow safety rules for the bus. We cannot, and will not, jeopardize the safety of a busload of students for those who cannot behave in an appropriate manner. Misbehavior on the bus could result in that student’s riding privilege being suspended.